Wednesday, 18 January 2012


Hello again. I have been back at the station with my daughter Jade who is home from Germany. She has been helping me with the horses and is here riding Dennis above. I want to get some of my horses sold so we're putting in extra effort to get them all working well. Dennis is a Clydesdale/Quarter Horse and has a wonderful temperament. We spent 3 days playing games with the horses then I found Dennis was sore as was Dakota and we had to leave off the training as Jade headed back to Adelaide. I floated the horses into Iron Knob and eventually got a physio therapist to treat them.

Desensiting Dennis to the plastic bag. He wasn't overly worried about it.
When training the horses I usualy teach them the 7 PNH games, establish Level 1 and 2, then gradually advance to 3 and 4. I start them off in a halter then progress to the snaffle. I teach them turn on the forequarters, hindquarters, sidepass and back. Once these are established I progress to doing rollbacks, spins, renvers and travers. I try to establish rythm by doing transitions and patterns. I also teach them to float so they will willingly go into a float on their own and I can  do up the back, then go and tie them up..